Faith Friends
St. Mary and St. Michael’s Faith Friends are pupils from Year 3 to Year 6. They are here to support our friends in their faith and be positive role models throughout the school. As part of their role, they help to organise collective worship within our school and church. This means that they often read at Mass, lead in prayer across the school, or lead assemblies. They also work with the wider community, including the Parish.
Our Faith Friends for 2023/24
School Feast Day – Faith Friends Promise
On Thursday 29th September 2023, we all gathered together in church to celebrate the Feast Day of our school patron saints – St Mary and St Michael. During our Feast Day Mass, our Faith Friends: Amber, Skye, Sophia – Rose, Pedro, Kayden, Cristiano, Israel, Florence, Albert, Elona, Esther & Rose read out their Faith Promise to the whole school.
“As a Faith Friend of St Mary and St Michael I promise to set a good example to others and help to bring peace and faith to the school.
I promise to pray to God and follow his rules.
I promise to help those in need.”
CAFOD – Non uniform Day October 2023
Thank you to our Faith Friends, who organised a non-uniform day on Friday 13th October 2023 to raise money for CAFOD; the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, a charity working with communities around the world. We dressed up for ‘Brighten Up’ to raise money for those who are hungry across the world. We raised a whopping £246.90 in aid of CAFOD.
Advent Carol Service at Westminster Cathedral November 2023
On Wednesday 29th November, our Faith Friends represented our school at the annual Advent Carol Service in Westminster Cathedral. This service was attended by schools from all over the diocese and raised money for the Catholic Children’s Society. We all particularly enjoyed meeting the Bishop and the animals from Hackney City Farm.